When Theme Parties Go Too Far Two

Now here is what I imagine the conversation went like when SAE was planning their theme.*

Brother #1: “Guys, Christmas time is around the corner. We’ve got to have a theme party, but it has to be fresh. Remember, the key to any good theme party is to make it have a punny name.

Brother #2: “I’ve got it: ‘Santa’s Rein-dudes and Hoes.'”

Brother #1: No, we did that last year.

Brother #2: “Well what about ‘Jingle Bellas And Holiday Fellas?'”

Brother #1: “No, no, no my buddies in like three other frats are doing that. Think outside the box!”

Brother #2: “Well how about we do something that has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas.”

Brother #1: “Keep talking…”

Brother #2: “Well we could just add the suffix ‘-mas’ to the end of a word but have the prefix have absolutely no affiliation to the Christian faith and values.”

Brother #1: “I like where you’re going with this.”

Brother #2: “I’ve got it… Cripmas.”

Brother #1: “Cripmas?”

Brother #2: “Yeah, dude, Cripmas! Like everybody dresses up like the Crips, the predominantly African American gang established in California in 1969 by Raymond Washington and Stanley William.”

Brother #1: “Hm… Cripmas.. dressing like gangs members during the holiday season. Unexpected, punny and politically incorrect… Perfect! Make the announcement on the Facebook page.”

*Remember, this dialogue is fabricated, but I’d like to bet the little money I have in my bank account that it went down like this.

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