When Themed Fraternity Parties Go Too Far

Sigma Alpha Epsilon is in the news once again, but this time it is on Clemson University’s campus in South Carolina. The fraternity is officially on disciplinary probation from now until Feb. 7th, 2017, as reported on by WYFF 4’s website. Ouch.

In a statement, Clemson spokeswoman Cathy Sams announced that SAE received this punishment after hosting a party on Dec. 7th, 2014. The fraternity was cited by the Office of Community and Ethical Standards for violating regulations of alcohol, failure to comply with official request and student organizational conduct.

So what was it about the party that violated organizational conduct?

The fraternity decided to do something quite common: host a theme party. The theme? “Cripmas,” which meant college students would end up dressing in gang attire and taking offensive pictures.

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