These Tinder Conversations Acted Out In Real Life Will Make You Realize How Bizarre Tinder Can Be

For many young adults who are looking for hookups and casual relationships, Tinder has revolutionized the way one goes about finding a partner.  Skip the long bios and personality questions on various dating websites.  No more waiting for mutual friends to introduce you, and no more trying to decipher messages while wondering “does he really like me?”  Tinder is quick, simple, and gets the job done.

Take Tinder messages out of context, though, and they rapidly turn into something that’s oddly humorous and totally awkward.  Good People Media just put out a video the other day, one of a series, in which actors have real conversations from Tinder while talking to each other at a party.  Of course, the results are hysterical.  Even the Tinder dialogue that isn’t aggressively sexual stills comes off at completely awkward.  It makes you wonder if, a few years from now, we’ll all be ashamed that we ever communicated this way.

Hopefully you get a good laugh out of this video.  Who knows?  You might even learn something.  Maybe next time you’re typing a message to a cutie on Tinder, you’ll try and picture yourself saying those words face to face before you decide to hit send.  Or not.  It’s your call.

SOURCES: Huffington Post | Youtube | USA Today
IMAGES: Youtube

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