TKE from ASU Has A Video That Showed Us Their Fraternity Is The Real Deal

So we did an article the other day on a brand new mobile app that is trending at ASU right now called Happinin that you can see HERE. Happinin filters and organizes all the best content going down around your campus and campuses around the country into ‘Channels’ with videos and pictures from parties, events and locations trending around school, so you know what the scene is before you commit to joining in!

ASU TKE is what the Happinin app is all about. They killed it in their new video. Guys that are fun = check. Guys that are smart and do good work in the community = check. Guys that know how to party and have a good time = check. Guys who get all the babes on campus = check. If I were a guy pledging a fraternity at ASU, I probably would highly consider TKE. The only thing left for these bros now is to download the Happinin app. DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW HERE and check out their new chapter video below!

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