The Top 10 Most ABSURD Mascots in America (2)

7) University of California – Santa Cruz: Sammy the Banana Slug 

For a college notorious for its weed-loving student, the laid back, chilled out banana slug is the perfect mascot. For some reason, the banana slug made quite a name for itself, and was even featured in Sports Illustrated magazine in 1992.

6) Scottsdale Community College: Artie the Fighting Artichoke 

This mascot has quite some history behind it. Back in 1970, the students of Scottsdale Community College were very angered to find out that the administration used Native American student’s scholarship money to bribe athletes into the school. The students were so infuriated that they held a school-wide protest to change the college mascot to something absolutely ridiculous that would stay with the school as a badge for years to come.

5) North Carolina School of the Arts: The Fighting Pickle 

As the result of a costume contest, North Carolina School of Arts selected a fighting pickle as their team mascot. The pickle was first suggested as a joke, and now goes on to greet fans and dance with the cheerleaders, showing its utmost school pride.


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