Twelve Struggles Of Growing Up Unathletic (2)

6. Nobody ever wanted you on their team

And that miserable, sad feeling when you were the last to be chosen.

5. But, you can understand why

Because I suck.

4. You had no idea how to use the equipment, reinforcing why nobody wanted you on their team

The moment when they give you this net-looking thing and you are like what the heck is this? How do I use this exactly?

3. So, you wanted to prove everybody wrong.

Come on, unleash your inner athlete.

2. “I GOT IT! I GOT IT!”

Just kidding. I don’t. And that was one painful failure.

1. But still, somehow your team wins and you roll out like a champ

Even though you have no idea what just happened and literally didn’t do anything.

Yeah, I don’t miss gym class AKA the constant reminder I suck at sports.

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