Twelve Struggles Of Growing Up Unathletic

I hate to admit this to the whole world, but I am no athlete; I never have been, and I probably never will. It’s kind of unfortunate, but I guess everybody wants to do something they can’t do, right? Growing up unathletic, there are some common struggles I have faced. Come on my fellow unathletes. Let’s rejoice!

Was this you? Not going to lie…this was me (actually is me).

12. Watching all of the athletes band together in their posse.

A posse you knew you would never be a part of.

11. You dreaded every gym class you ever had to take

You even did a little prayer before gym class.

10. Doing the mile run in high school gym class

You probably felt like a champion when you finished it. Or, you just collapsed from exhaustion.

9. Or any fitness tests in general


8. Throw the balls at me…Or not

Because I have absolutely no coordination.

7. And you got a concussion

Or just hit in the head. Same thing, right?




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