The Types Of Couples Every College Student Hates

Congrats on looking equally tacky.

The only thing anyone thinks when they see this is, “I hope they drop those.”

No one cares what your song is, unless it’s the song that plays when you’re leaving a party.

If you break up or get divorced, who gets custody of the accounts?

The only time this is OK is if the tats say, “We’re idiots” in a foreign language.

Will everyone who likes this couple sit on the other side? Yep, no one’s there.

Get an Instagram. Go to exotic places. Be disgustingly perfect. Ugh.

No one cares that you’ve been together 2 months or 6 weeks. You’re not a newborn baby. Anniversaries are for years. That’s it.

Nothing worse than the couple who shares all their opinions, tastes, and desires. Your punishment: you will start to resemble each other and that’s just plain creepy.

Fact: This is what you look like to everyone.

This is a bad enough offense as it is. Putting it on a shirt, however, is unforgivable. Declaring it on Facebook is the worst.

If you’re at the happiest place on earth, why do you need to tell everyone?

Have you people done nothing since then? Move on. The world is still spinning despite the permanence of your relationship.

Nothing says I’m cheesy like doing a Taylor Swift move.

This is the worst photographic evidence of a humblebrag.

Just an FYI, literally no one likes it when you post stuff like this.

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