Types of People You Meet at a Typical College Tailgate (2)

15) “Nah, I’m Good.” Chick: This is the girl who has obviously had too much to drink, but is so stubborn she can’t stop saying, “Nah, I’m Good.” Like, honey, you just projectile puked all over the beer pong table and attempted to take a trumpet from the spirit band. You’re drunk.

youre drunk

14) The Frat Bruh: There’s always the guy who is “too cool” for spirit wear, so he simply wears the school colors in the form of a button up and Chubbies. And, to top if off, he tries to rock the boat shoe look (but, let’s be honest-noone rocks boat shoes). You’ll probably see this guy make out with three different girls within the hour, and then brag about it to his “frat bruhhhhs,” as he would say.


13) The Guy Who Is WAY Too Excited for the Game: You cannot miss this guy, he’s the loudest one there. If you ever need to know anything about football, just walk up and start a conversation with this guy. You better have some time to kill.




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