My View On Sex vs. Hooking Up

College is an exciting time; a time for freedom, experience, love, lust, and experimentation. You are now on your own! No more living at your parents house and having a curfew. You can now go to any party you like and do whatever you please, according to your own moral compass. This is where sex comes into play.

Back in the 80’s, looking for a husband at age 18-21 was acceptable. Today? Not so much. But that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t look for a meaningful relationship. Today people treat the word “relationship” like it’s the end of the world and that college is a time to mess around.

Welcome to the hookup culture where it is now socially acceptable to sleep with a different person every weekend!

Yeah, I’ll pass…

Honestly? The hookup culture is not something I’ve ever been fond of. It is alarming to me that people brag about how much “ass” they got last weekend, or how high their number is, if they haven’t lost track yet. Sex is supposed to mean something. It’s supposed to be something you do with the person you love – it’s called making love isn’t it? Now people have sex out of lust, not

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