What If The One That Got Away Came Back? (2)

At 3 AM on a Thursday morning, I heard what I waited months to hear. He came back, even for just a moment, and it threw me for a loop. Suddenly, there I was piecing everything back together and hoping that maybe the cliche romantic-comedy plot was meant for us. Maybe, just maybe, I was not crazy for holding on to the idea of us.

The one that got away came back Thursday morning. The one that got away was gone (again) Friday night.

That is when I realized that those people who completely overwhelmed our thoughts and our feelings, then left without any closure, are not meant to stay. Think about it: His ability to leave in the middle of whatever it was we had was easy for him. Why would he not do that again? While, in the moment, it seems like he was only meant to uproot me from my life, really he was meant to show me something.

The ones that get away give us perspective on life and on love. After them, we walk around with our guard up, not letting ourselves fall as easily. That is not a bad thing by any means.

More importantly, they teach us the hard way that we need to fight for the people and the things we want in our lives. Looking back, I realized that I could have avoided the question and wonder that caused me so much confusion by simply asking him. I could have showed him what I saw in him by fighting for him, by telling him. Now I know, next time I find someone, I need to fight for him. I cannot just let him get away because I do not what to “sound crazy.” Some people are worth fighting for. I should not be afraid of showing them that.

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