What Ned’s Survival Guide Would Look Like in College (4)

   Tip #3: Don’t let your living arrangement ruin a seven-year friendship. Just because you’re best friends with somebody it doesn’t mean you’ll be compatible roommates.


Moze then asks what the entire argument was about, to which they describe the TV situation. She asks why they didn’t just put it in the middle of the room.

Ned and Cookie are putting the TV in the middle of the room, but get in a tug-of-war with it. Moze and her new roommate are passing by the dorm building when Ned and Cookie let go of the TV and accidentally fling it out the window. It hits Moze’s new roommate, knocking her out on impact.

Days pass and Ned and Cookie are sitting in their room watching television on the laptops. Moze enters her new room to see Lisa Zemo sitting on her old roommates bed. They smile at each other.next


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