What Ned’s Survival Guide Would Look Like in College (5)

Tip #4: Room with someone you’re comfortable with. Even if you get into an argument or aren’t the right match for each other, you’ll know each other enough to talk it out and move past it.


Greek Life  

Ned and Cookie are on the search for the perfect fraternity. Meanwhile, Moze asserts she is too busy with volleyball to devote time to a sorority. Coconut Head appears out of  nowhere. He says that he thought sororities were only meant for prissy girls like Missy. Immediately after he says this, Lisa Zeemo pops up with a sorority jacket on. Coconut heads screams that he’s sorry and runs away sobbing.


            Tip #1: Anybody can join a frat or sorority. Don’t think it’s not for you until you try it. The entire point of Greek Life is that everybody is welcome if they’re interested.next


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