Why It’s Ok To Make Mistakes While You’re Young

“It’s okay because you’re still so young!”

There is something so comforting about that phrase so perhaps that is why it is one of my favorites to pull out for my friends when they’re freaking out.  There is nothing wrong with making a bad choice or making a mistake because how else are you supposed to learn?  I have officially entered my 20s and I am still not entirely sure what I am doing.

They tell you that hindsight is 20/20 and I certainly believe that.  I have had my fair share of meltdowns, screw ups, mistakes, bad choices, and lucky twists in what feels like a very sort amount of time.  But all of that’s okay because:

3) It is better to make these crummy choices when you’re young than when the real responsibilities set in.  There is a difference between making a choice that affects you and making one that would affect you plus your spouse/family.

2) You learn how to fix these mistakes.  Additionally, you learn how to avoid these mistakes, and those like them, in the future (which is pretty cool).

1) You really are supposed to mess up a few times here and there.  You’re late teens and 20s are the years to experiment and figure out what works and what doesn’t.  If you didn’t fall down every once and a while how else would you get to experience that?

So bottom line, I suppose, is that you will be just fine.  You’re human and humans mess up from time to time, but that is 110% okay!  Just make sure to get back up, brush yourself off, and learn from that mistake.  You’ve got this!

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