Why Taking A Yeti Cooler From A Fraternity Is A Bad Idea (3)

Driving back to the apartment, we laughed a lot about how we got a free Yeti cooler and that we would paint it and make it super cute when we got back to college. We sleep at the apartment for a few hours and then we’re off. Arriving back at our campus, we took all of our things and the cooler up to my dorm room and went to our own beds and crashed until later that evening when we woke up for dinner. After dinner, we were watching Netflix in my room. I ran out to my car quickly to grab my sweatshirts I had brought from home and received a phone call from my Auburn friend. She asked me about the cooler and laughing I said I had no clue where the cooler went, and then she asked for Miranda’s phone number because the fraternity had video proof of her taking the cooler.

When I got back to the room, the owner of the cooler’s girlfriend had called Miranda threatening to fight her if she didn’t return the cooler to the guy. They discussed meeting halfway to return the cooler and that was the plan, or so I thought. Morgan and Miranda told me that they were going to the beach for a little bit and that was fine by me because I was exhausted from the long drive we made earlier that day.

I wake up the following morning and Morgan wasn’t back in the room yet, I didn’t question it because she could’ve gone to breakfast or something of that nature, I wasn’t really worried about it. She walks into the room about 11 that morning and explains to me that her and Miranda drove all the way back to Auburn to return the cooler so they wouldn’t have to give it back face to face at a later date. We all go to lunch and they told me how they arrived at 4 in the morning and threw it onto their front porch and ran back to the car and came all the way home.

The moral of this story is that no matter how drunk you may get, stealing a frat boy’s cooler isn’t okay in their book.


Written By: Lauren Ford


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