Why you need to chill about the Starbucks Cup (2)

Though 95% of the United States celebrates Christmas, millions around the country seem to believe that the Christian message is being tarnished due to the open-mindedness and political correctness that comes with the holiday season in today’s society. Internet wars have been begun, people everywhere fighting either for or against Starbuck’s decision to “take Christ out of Christmas.”

As for me, I’d like to believe that Jesus is probably more concerned with the Syrian refugee crisis or the rising rate of childhood poverty in this country, than He is over a Starbucks cup. While I believe Jesus would want His people fighting for the humanity of others, His people are waging their own war on Christmas, claiming that the overwhelming majority of this country are somehow an endangered species. Instead of considering the cup to be a sign of tolerance for other minorities in this country that lack representation, this cup has perpetuated a fictional “War on Christmas.”


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