You’ll Never Guess What This Kid Wrote As His Facebook Status That Got Him Suspended

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A Sum­merville High School stu­dent who says he was arrested and sus­pended after writ­ing about killing a dinosaur using a gun in a class assign­ment has hired a lawyer.

Attor­ney David Aylor, who is rep­re­sent­ing 16-year-old Alex Stone, said his client’s arrest over a cre­ative writ­ing assign­ment on Tues­day was “com­pletely absurd,” and is seek­ing to appeal the sus­pen­sion and “pro­ceed with the legal issues of [Stone’s] arrest.”

This is a per­fect exam­ple of ‘polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness’ that has exceeded the bound­aries of com­mon sense,” Aylor said in a state­ment released on Thursday.”Students were asked to write about them­selves and a cre­ative Face­book sta­tus update – just days into the new school year – and my client was arrested and sus­pended after a school assignment…”

Stone said he and his class­mates were told in class to write a few sen­tences about them­selves, and a “sta­tus” as if it was a Face­book page. Stone said in his “sta­tus” he wrote a fic­tional story that involved the words “gun” and “take care of business.”

I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur, and, then, in the next sta­tus I said I bought the gun to take care of the busi­ness,” Stone said…

Sum­merville police offi­cials say Stone’s book bag and locker were searched on Tues­day, and a gun was not found…

Accord­ing to Gray, Stone was sus­pended for the rest of the week.




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