Your Guide to Being Supremely Hungover in Class (2)

Step 3. Walk It Off

Look, I know you probably aren’t in the best spirits on this unholiest of days, but savor your walk to class. This is a good time to further sober up if necessary and the walk in itself is kind of medicinal. There is one caveat to step 3 however. If your class is forever away from your car, today might be a good day to miss.

Step 4. Sit In The Back

Professors can be loud, do yourself a favor and take a seat near the back for todays lesson. Save the front row for those that showed up to learn, for you today is simply about making it through.

Step 5. Stay Grouped With Other People Who Are Hungover If Possible

Chances are pretty good you are not the only one in class who went a little too hard last night. You will possibly have some friends in class who partied with you last night or just somebody you met at the party last night, these are the people to be around as they will remain relatively quiet. Quiet is good.


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