10 Things You Know After Being Friends for Over 10 Years (2)

5. You know why she does the things that she does, and vice versa.

You understand better than anyone the motives or the reasoning behind her every move. You know exactly how she reacts when she’s sad and the look on her face when she’s pissed off.

4. You know what she’s thinking before she says it.

After all these years, the telepathy gets real. You know what she’s going to say way before she actually says it.

3. You know exactly how to piss each other off.

And when the fights are inevitable, she knows the exact buttons to push and you know hers. You know which comments are below the belt, and respect her enough to avoid them. You two aren’t afraid to be open and honest about how you feel.

2. You reminisce on memories that don’t make sense to anyone else.

You laugh about memories from when you were six and memories from the weekend before. No one can understand what’s so funny about the story that you just told, but you know that she’s the only one that’ll get it.

1. You love her like a sister.

There are few people that you can trust and grow alongside without inevitably growing apart. When you find that person that stays constant during all the changes in life, you love and appreciate them as often and as much as you can.



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