10 Ways To Get Yourself Ready For The Finals Crunch Time 2

5. Get on a semi-normal sleep schedule.

You can go back to pulling all-nighters and sleeping until noon after finals are over.  For now, you need a fresh mind and a fresh body.  Get yourself on a respectable sleep schedule.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Photo Credit: Tumblr

4. Arrange notes for studying in a way that makes sense to you.

If flash cards are your thing, start making up some flash cards.  If re-copying your notes helps you remember things, then start doing that.  If you prefer to re-skim the reading and refresh yourself with all the topics, then do what you need to do.  Get going now.

Photo Credit: Mashable

Photo Credit: Mashable

3. Go easy on the alcohol when you’re out with friends.

In a perfect world, you’d take the advice I gave you before, which was to make social appearances between no and finals pretty rare.  However, if you absolutely can’t miss your nights on the town, then you need to at least start drinking water instead of booze.  Now’s not the time to distract yourself with hangovers and headaches.  You need a clear head, and you need your body to be in tip top condition.

Photo Credit: Giphy

Photo Credit: Giphy

2. Spend a little bit of time studying every night before bed.

Review your notes for a few minutes before you go to sleep.  They say that doing stuff like this right before bed aids with memorization, but even without the extra brain boost, it’s also good to space out your studying like this so you’re not trying to cram everything into your brain the night before the test.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Photo Credit: Tumblr

1. Don’t skip any class between now and the final.

It’s always tempting to blow off class when you just don’t feel like going, but now more than ever is the time to resist that urge.  You need to know everything the professor’s talking about, and you need to hear everything he has to say on the subject of the upcoming final.  Go to class.

Photo Credit: WordPress

Photo Credit: WordPress

IMAGES: Pix Shark | Tumblr | Reaction Gifs | We Know Memes | Teen | College Humor | WordPress | Giphy | Mashable 

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