13 FSU Tailgating Struggles as told by Gossip Girl (3)

5. Somehow you manage to get out of that situation (#swerve), and decide to leave for the game since that’s really the whole point of today, isn’t it?


4. After walking what seems like miles in the Florida heat and probable rain, you finally make it to Doak only to realize that you forgot to print out your free ticket because apparently we can’t just use our student IDs to get into games anymore.


3. But don’t worry, Stacey at the ticket center prints out your ticket for freeee and you’re in. The game starts as you walk in, because realistically half of us miss Chief Osceola and Renegade because of the line anyways, and you hear that the other team has already gotten a touchdown.


2. Don’t fret though because we’re the Seminoles. We always come back from a bad start because… actually who knows how we actually do that? It still makes me wonder, but never question Jimbo, am I right?


1. And after standing on the bleachers for the entire three-hour game without sitting down once, the Noles win!!! The same thing happens next Saturday, and the week after that, and the week after that. Suddenly you realize once again that football season is over already. There are never enough gamedays in the season for FSU because we’re definitely a drinking school with a football problem. But hey, there’s always next year, right? Until next season, always remember:


“I love FSU”


Gossip Girl

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