14 Struggles of Being Friends With A Flaky Person (2)

10) They don’t make an effort to communicate with you- Do you send them many text messages and call them many times, but get no response in a timely manner? Flaky people put off a lot of things and if they can’t respond to your text, even if it’s an emergency, then you shouldn’t be friends with them. Many times they will only reach out to you if they need something, but never want to help you.


9) They try to fit in with other people- If you and your flaky friend are around a new group of people that you aren’t that familiar with watch how they act. Many flakes will act like the people they are around to make other people think this person is like them. The issue with this is that it shows you that you don’t really know your friend as well as you think you do.


8) They make you think you are the issue- Most times the issue isn’t with the friend, but it’s with the flaky person. Don’t be hard on yourself and think that something is wrong with you, flaky people are just lazy and cancel plans because of themselves.


7) They are procrastinators- Flaky people put things off because they are busying doing other things. Sometimes, they are busy updating their SnapChat story with their cat and can’t hang out with you tonight. They might also keep putting plans off for days, maybe even months, until the perfect time is suitable for them.



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