14 Struggles of Being Friends With A Flaky Person (3)

6) They really want to hang out, but may have a case of introversion- Many people think introversion is a curable disease…it’s not. Your flaky friend may be an introvert that doesn’t even know it. No matter how hard they make plans to hang out they always seem to back out of them. If you think your “flaky” friend is, instead, an introvert try inviting them over to your house to hang out with just the two of you.


5) They have no understanding of time management- Many flaky people make plans for many different things all at once and when the time comes they forget about the plans they made. Your friend probably has to go to basketball practice, then go to the gym, and then meet their family home for dinner, even though they said they would hang out with you during their gym time. If they risked their gym time for you they are a real friend, even though they forgot. Try to meet them at their house for dinner.


4) Maybe they don’t want a friendship- Sometimes flaky people forget about you because they are terrible with time and are procrastinators, but if they keep putting you off and not make an effort to be friends then maybe they don’t want to be friends. Silence is the loudest sign and if they aren’t making any efforts to hang with you and don’t respond to your calls or messages they most likely don’t want to be your friend.



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