20 College Life Hacks That You Need To Start Using 4

 4. Resist the urge to go home too often.

You need to stay at school some weekends so that you can solidify your new friendships and really establish your independence.  Home will be there a few weeks from now, so try and at least spend a few weekends at school, even if you are homesick.

Photo Credit: Crushable

Photo Credit: Crushable

3. If you’re easily distracted, leave the laptop in your dorm room.

We’ve already established that writing is better for your memory anyway.  You also don’t need the added distraction of Facebook, so if you can get away with it, leave the laptop behind.

Photo Credit: Pix Good

Photo Credit: Pix Good

2. Don’t buy a wire mesh garbage can.

It basically turns into a colander for vomit after you’ve had too much to drink.  They look sleek and stylish but say no to the wire mesh trash can.

Photo Credit: Wikia

Photo Credit: Wikia

1. Go.  To.  Class. 

Do you really need someone to tell you this?  Fine.  I’ll tell you.  Go to class.  You’re paying tens of thousands of dollars for these classes, so skipping them essentially like throwing money out the window. Get your butt out of bed and go to class.

Photo Credit: Wikia

Photo Credit: Wikia

IMAGES: Womens Forum| Wikia | WordPress | Photobucket | Tumblr | Daily Nexus | The Odyssey Online | Teen | Elite Daily | Blogspot | Imgur| Crushable | Pix Good

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