20 People You’re Bound To Meet At The Campus Fitness Center (2)

14. The guy who’s always there.

You come to work out a couple of times a week, but no matter what time of day you arrive or how long you stay, this dude is always there.  He gets there before you and stays after you leave.  Maybe he lives there.

13. The CrossFit nuts.

Watch out for these guys, because they don’t care who they hurt while they’re sprinting across the room, leaping over stacks of chairs, and dropping weights all over the place.

12. The guy or girl who just takes selfies in the mirror.

Everyone’s guilty of the occasional gym selfie, but when you stand in front of the mirror for 20 minutes, trying to get the angle and the pose just right, that might be excessive.

11. The shy newbie.

She keeps to herself and tries not to draw attention to herself because she’s convinced everyone is judging her.

10. The girls in yoga pants who actually go to yoga.

Finally, something that makes sense.


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