20 People You’re Bound To Meet At The Campus Fitness Center (3)

9. The one who works out while talking on the phone.

Most of us can scarcely manage to breathe while running on the treadmill, but somehow these people can move at a steady pace while still having a full conversation.  It’s annoying, but kind of impressive, too.

8. The guy who’s everyone’s personal cheerleader.

God bless this guy.  He’s always there to give encouragement, whether he knows you or not.  He doesn’t ever seem to go work out, but he’s something of the gym mascot, and he has an important function.

7. The sweaty person who gets way too close to talk.

No shame in sweating, since lots of us sweat like pigs when we work out.  It’s just that maybe when you’re glistening and smelly, you could keep a safe talking distance.  Everyone will feel better.

6. The people who order a smoothie and act like they’ve worked out really hard.

Smoothies at the fitness center are good, but drinking one and then leaving doesn’t constitute exercising.  Just FYI.



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