20 Things I Have Learned From My Lovely Southern Roommate (2)

15.) Country music is actually quite enjoyable.

I used to vow I would never enjoy country music, but I’ve really come around to it.

14.) Taylor Swift was, “never really country.”

The amount of times we have had discussions regarding Taylor Swift is kind of heinous. Let’s just say we agree to disagree on most things Taylor.

13.) How inconvenient it can be to go to school that’s 9 hours away from your hometown.

Our room is small enough to begin with, and poor South Carolina Colby has to store all four seasons worth of stuff to school to avoid extra bags on her flights home during the year.

12.) If you don’t have a Lily Pulitzer planner, is your life even put together?

I must say, I do enjoy the stickers it has. Still, I’m a Kate Spade planner kind of gal.

11.) If you want an awesome summer job, you should be a lifeguard.

10.) I’m not the only one who is bad at naming the states.

Looks like our schools had one thing in common: they did not focus on geography enough.


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