5 Signs Marijuana is Moving Into the Mainstream (5)

1.) It is Being Studied More Often by Scientists
In the past, a typical marijuana “study” might just say something along the lines of “it will turn you into a lazy Dorito munching zombie.” Nowadays there are a wide range of possible uses and effects being studied by scientists. Possible anti cancer benefits, mood disorders, fighting diabetes, and it NOT shrinking your brain are just a few of the new possibilities this research has ignited. Of course, not all of the new studies bring positive results. We have found out that not only does it lower your sperm account, but it lowers it by A LOT, and we have also learned that smoking regularly can cause long term changes in how your brain works. Whether or not every new piece of news makes weed out to be some magical cure all, this is all important information that we need to know, and that was kept from us before.

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