Can Drinking Beer Be Good For You?

Can you believe it? Beer, a worldly popular beverage actually has health benefits? I didn’t believe it at first, but it is true. Beer can be good for your health, and here’s ten reasons why:

10) Beer can help with insomnia. 

Beer contains lactoflavin and nicotinic acid which promotes sleep.

9) Beer can reduce risks for heart attacks. 

Studies have shown that beer drinkers have a 40-60% reduced risk of suffering from a heart attack compared to non-beer drinkers.

8) Beer can lower cholesterol. 

The fiber contained in beer reduces your levels of LDL cholesterol, which is the “bad” kind.

7) Beer helps your kidneys. 

Studies show that beer is actually beneficial to your kidneys. Drinking a bottle of beer reduces the risk of kidney stones by 40%!

6) Beer is good for your bones. 

The levels of silicon in beer can contribute to higher bone density.


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