Crash and Burn: Suicide From Multiple Perspectives (5)

  Life is full of turbulence. Not everybody’s in the right mindset all of the time. Some people turn to extreme measures without fully thinking about the harsh consequences – not only the harsh consequences that it will have on their lives, but the lives of others. Sometimes we don’t feel like anybody cares, but in reality somebody does. When the girl made the decision to take the pills at age 17, we see how this got in the way of the prosperous life that she was set out to live at 18 and beyond. It made it even worst for those around her. She might have felt nobody cared, but somebody always did care. 

          If you encounter somebody that you expect is considering suicide or you know for a fact that they have tried, please comfort them. Do not tell them that their mindset is selfish to those around them or to themselves. Comfort them and make sure that they have appropriate help right away. Do not make them feel alone. It is very easy to feel a mixture of emotions when encountering someone with these thoughts, but remember, this is somebody’s life at stake. 

          If suicide is even on your mind, please see a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or talk to somebody to get help. Suicide is a serious matter that can be prevented. While it is easier said than done, proper help and guidance can save lives and change the mindsets of  those whom need it the most. Suicide is NOT just a plea for attention. It means something is going on, and appropriate action MUST be taken quickly. 

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If suicide is on your mind, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

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