What You DON’T Miss about College over Summer defined by GIFS

13. The stress of having a million assignments and readings due at once.

tumblr_n0vby1ZbpK1qax5d3o1_500Professors all set their due dates around the same time. Right before the break, or right before the final exam. You would think we would have time management down by now, but sadly we don’t; and we still write it up at the last-minute.

12. Cramming for an exam.

tumblr_n4g5c2VauY1rkje8wo1_500Sometimes we just don’t have the time. Sometimes you have multiple exams in one day and it feels impossible to be prepared. You start to lose it. You read the entire course material the night before and somehow still whip out a 75%.

11. Writing a million words per second to get all the notes down.

tumblr_no573uflQr1tahp1vo1_500Profs whip through power point slides and other materials faster than the speed of light. SLOW DOWN. You find yourself struggling to get it all down and sometimes even peeking at the person’s notes beside you only to get an awkward glare from them. Assholes.

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