What You DON’T Miss about College over Summer defined by GIFS

10. Dodging people in the hallways to get to where you need to go.

19-rushing-to-make-trainYour agility is quite impressive by your third or fourth year. The halls are swamped with people, and you just don’t have time for the “excuse me, sorry, excuse me” bullshit. Move or I will move you.

9. Professors who live to make your life hard.

tumblr_mqv3dkTiU91rdrzfmo1_250Some Professors give you the “in my day we didn’t have laptops and powerpoints,” and they make it their mission to make your life as hard as theirs was. This is frustrating. But, we have the last laugh when course reviews come around mwahahah and lest we forget about ratemyprofessor.com.

8. Spending your whole paycheck on lunch.

tumblr_n0aemfAYoQ1toamj8o1_500Oh you want to buy lunch on campus? Well honey, you got another thing coming. Unless you want to spend 12 dollars on a salad, stick to making food at home. Let’s be honest, no one ever does except for the gym rats who do ‘meal prep’ with their stupid chocolate protein shakes, so you end up taking a packet of ramen with you like the poor unfortunate soul that you are.

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