What You DON’T Miss about College over Summer defined by GIFS

3. Calculating what you need on the final to pass the course.

tumblr_nugygnSQL01qehu0oo1_250We’ve all done this. Despite being in liberal arts, I’ve become a whizz at using a calculator to determine how average I have to be to pass. I’m not trying to be Albert Einstein, it was a mistake taking “Philosophy of Logic”, words should not become numerical equations, please for the love of god let me pass.

2. The devastation of not saving your essay and your computer crashing.

tumblr_inline_nferk58tXp1rf8so2We’ve all been there. You just spent 10 hours on your paper, and you’re proud of it. You’re finishing up your conclusion and BAM, computer crashes. You panic, asking everyone including the cat how to get it back. Literally the last thing you want to hear is “why didn’t you save it” but somehow that’s ALWAYS the person’s first reaction, and you want to strangle them.

1. Once you graduate you feel proud, but also that sinking realization that you went from student to unemployed.

giphy (1)You get your degree, 5 those fancy letters next to your name that is SUPPOSED to give you a leg up towards a career. Not so much. Now you have to work for your money, and all of a sudden student loans become more appealing.

College was a time of major emotional distress. Some days you felt so strong and confident, and other days you felt like the floor was falling from beneath you. Even though the days of being piss drunk at a club downtown were glorious, there are always those parts about college that weren’t as great that we’re happy we left behind!

Featured image via collegeweekly

This Post Originally Was Published On READUNWRITTEN.COM

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