What You DON’T Miss about College over Summer defined by GIFS

7. Tuition fees.

tumblr_np0r9vAvll1qknhzzo1_400Need I say more? How on earth are we to start putting money away for our future when tuition fees have skyrocketed. Many students don’t get enough aid from the government and have to work full-time on top of going to school. I guess i’ll just live in a shack that’s cool.

6. Having your parents grill you about money.

tumblr_nlgz8mHw3y1qgf1i8o1_500What the hell do they know anyway. They grew up in the most lucrative economy ever, and they turned it to shit for us AND THEN THEY GRILL US ABOUT OUR CHOICES. I work my ass off, and sometimes I need a break…or five. But instead of saying any of the things you’re thinking, you just sit there and take it, because you don’t want to add fuel to the fire…plus you’re hoping they will give you a twenty after they’ve calmed down.

5. Mental breakdowns and questioning your entire existence.

tumblr_inline_mijwcqPv9m1qz4rgp“There are no jobs in your field,” said every older person ever. While sometimes I wonder what the hell someone is going to do with a History degree, most of us are trying to get somewhere someday. It is so disheartening to know we might be shit out luck no matter how well we do in school.

4. Rushing to get to class on time.

tumblr_nr309jzecz1rlpicfo1_500Whose brilliant idea was only having a 5 minute break in between classes anyway. Sure, let me just get from one end of campus to the next, squeeze in a smoke and coffee? Not likely. My smoker lungs require a steady brisk walk at most thank you very much. My campus was average size, but some people have classes on the other side of town; poor poor students. I feel for you.

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