Freshman Year As Told By The Amanda Show (5)

In high school, STD/STI’s were just awkward health class conversations. Entering the sexual world of college is very risky business. My college has already had two HIV test days. Getting tested for any type of sexually transmitted disease or infection is very important, especially if you’re trying to get it on and your partner realizes you might have some dancing lobsters downstairs. Or crabs, either way a crustacean does not belong in your pants.

gay boy

Coming to college is a wonderful experience, you get to almost reinvent yourself if you choose to do so. If you were never comfortable with your sexuality back home, or you never “came out of the closet”, college is the perfect place to do so, as long as you’re ready to let others know. Just remember, it’s your personal choice and you deserve to do what makes you happy. One piece of advice for you though: if you’re going to invest in a wig, take a trusted friend that will make sure you don’t look too ridiculous.




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