How to Break the Ice With Your New Roommates

5. Start a Netflix series together. Not only does it force you to spend time together, but it gives you something to talk about too. Crying over fictional deaths of your favorite characters and screaming at the tv when that toxic couple gets back together again is one of my favorite ways to bond with people. But here’s a warning, don’t be a Netflix cheater. Don’t you dare watch an episode without each other because that was the cause of too many fights and silent treatments that went on in my room.

New Roomates

6. Come to terms with the fact that you’re going to meet people in college who are unlike you, and realize that it’s okay. These people may be people on your floor, in your classes, or even your roommates. Once you realize that it’s alright to be your own unique person, you’ll get along better with the people around you. Your roommates may all be into different things, all be from different places, and all look different, but that doesn’t matter as long as you’re all good people.

New Roomates

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