23 Things That Happen On Senior Prom Night

It’s about that time… Senior Prom or Senior Ball season! Definitely one major night of your senior year you should always remember… Unless you got blackout wasted at the after party. All of these things


20 Things About F*ckboys College Girls Can’t Stand

As much as the term allows guys to behave in this way, we all know that fuckboys are everywhere. Think that heartthrob is a total catch and you should try to flirt with him? Always


This NEW Suicide Squad Trailer Looks ABSOLUTELY Phenomenal

Suicide Squad. You can say it’s a must-see movie that fans are anxiously waiting to see. The new trailer got released today and it looks absolutely EPIC. Check out the new trailer below and get


11 Things You Do When You’re Alone In Your Dorm Room (3)

7. Clip your toenails, clean your ears with a Q-tip, and pluck your eyebrows. You already do this on the low but its feel kinda gross to do these things in front of another person,


11 Things You Do When You’re Alone In Your Dorm Room (4)

5. Eat everything in your snack drawer. 4. Sitting in front of the mirror, watching yourself lip sync into your hairbrush sad and emotional songs.


20 Alternate Ways to Show Someone You Appreciate Them

It’s easy to get caught up in life and forget to tell the loved ones in our life just how much we appreciate them. We make up excuses and tell ourselves that we’ll do it


20 Alternate Ways to Show Someone You Appreciate Them (2)

15. Remember the little things. Their favorite color, their biggest fear, the way their nose flares when they laugh.. remember the smallest details about them. If you have a bad memory then write things down in


20 Alternate Ways to Show Someone You Appreciate Them (3)

11. Listen to them without feeling like you need to speak up too. If they want to rant or get something off of their chest then just sit back and listen. You might have a story that


20 Alternate Ways to Show Someone You Appreciate Them (4)

7. Post about them on social media. Today’s technology makes it easy to give a quick shoutout to anyone you love especially with hashtags like #wcw and #mcm on Instagram. It only takes a few


20 Alternate Ways to Show Someone You Appreciate Them (5)

3. Never cancel your plans. If you have plans together then always do your best to follow through with them and make sure you’re on time. Only cancel them if you absolutely have to. 2. But if you