Quit Caring, It’s Not Worth It.

I have a little rant that’s been stuck in my head since high school. Why do we care so much? Why do we worry so much about what other people think? Why do we let ourselves get so caught up on how we’re gonna look to others?
We have got to relax.

It’s unnecessary to care so much about the opinions of others especially others that don’t matter to you. We should live each and every moment for ourselves. Dress for yourself! If you wanna go out and wear something fancy, you do it. If you feel like bumming it, go for it. Quit thinking about how someone else will perceive you.

Eat for yourself! If you want that second helping of those greasy fries, let yourself go for it every once in a while. If you feel like just eating a salad that day, don’t worry about someone thinking you don’t eat enough.

Live for yourself! If you wanna go out and party hard, don’t let anyone stop you. If you wanna cuddle up and binge on netflix, let yourself let go. Don’t let other people’s judging mentalities affect you. Just live YOUR life for you.

People always say dance like nobody’s watching, and that is a great quote to live by, but I like to say dance like everyone is watching and you could care less. If you’re not gonna live your own life, no one else is. Worry about yourself, and you’ll have ten times less problems in life. You’ll smile more and be more you than ever before. And trust me, that’s a great feeling.

Awkward girl living an awkward life, entertaining the masses with my awkward situations. #hiimawkward

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No. Wrong. False. We care about our appearances and our habits because whether or not it is a fun thing to do so, our subconscious minds have put value on presenting yourself well and having healthy habits. Whats more is that as college students (the people who I assume are the majority readers of this site, as I am one as well) we have a responsibility to maintain our health and personal appearance and “care” about things. If I want to go out and party hard, I can’t because I need to wake up tomorrow to go to class so I can get a degree and achieve the goals I ultimately want to achieve in life rather than throwing thousands of dollars in tuition money down the toilet. If I want to dress like a slob on certain days, I can’t because there may be an attractive girl I want to talk to or a company potentially looking to hire me. My point is that this is what is so messed up with our generation; we put value on the short term rush instead of the long term fulfillment, never set out to achieve anything that requires more than a week’s worth of work, and have no sense of doing something because it is the right thing to do rather than ignoring it because you “feel like it”. The real world is a tough, cruel place that will eat you up and spit you out if you don’t care, because it doesn’t care that you don’t care.

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