10 Valuable Lessons from How I Met Your Mother

10.) Don’t Let Fear Steal Your Funk: Fear can be your greatest setback. Never be too afraid to work towards your dreams because of what other people think of you, or what you think of yourself.


16 Gifs That Explain A Bad Relationship Summed Up By Sammi Sweetheart

Everyone goes through rough patches in relationships that they hopefully can communicate and patch it back up. But sometimes that’s not always the case; some people are in some seriously bad relationships that they cannot get


Why I’m Thankful for College Roommates But Never Want to Share a Room Again

I’ve had 3 roommates in 2 years. One was someone random freshman year, and the other 2 were friends I chose to live with sophomore year, one per semester. I came to see that whether


23 Things Every Pitt Student Needs to Do Before They Graduate

Before you graduate as a student of this wonderful university, here are some things I highly suggest you do to get the full experience. 23. Attend a basketball game as a member of the Oakland Zoo


15 Thoughts During My First Month of College

15. “I’ve Got This.” I swear to you this was my main idea during that first month. I can do this; I will beat the statistics that say this “transition” is difficult. I won’t be like


My Actual Thoughts on College Textbooks

College is back in full swing so that means everyone has their textbooks and is now facing the repercussions of having to spend hundreds of dollars on them. When you already have to spend thousands of dollars on


8 Ways Those Who Attend College Out of State Have The Most Fun

Do you remember that time you wanted to do something different? Go some place different? Well, here’s your chance. Here are 8 reasons to attend school out of state. 8. You can pretend you’re a


A Letter to My Older Sibling

Dear Older Sibling, Every once in a while I’ll find myself watching a movie and there’ll be an annoying younger sibling. So being the youngest sibling it made me wonder if I was ever that annoying.


8 Ways to Refocus in Class When You’re Struggling to Stay Awake

Do you ever feel like this guy here? And then your professor stares at you or wakes you up and you have to respond like this? And then you do this again 5 minutes later? Here


15 Friends You DON’T Want To Make In College

Everyone tells you that college is here you’ll make some of the best friends you’ll ever have, and that’s often very true.  If you’re lucky, you’ll form bonds with your classmates, your roommates, and the