11 Things the University of Pittsburgh Needs to Add to Their Campus

11. A Wawa: Look, most people who go to Pitt are from outside of Philly where most Wawas are. So, Pitt definitely needs another Wawa. The subs, cheese-filled pretzels, iced tea, YUMMM. I’m getting teary-eyed just


11 Times Jessica Lange Proved She Was Supreme

This past month marked the premiere of American Horror Story: Hotel. This next instillation of the American Horror Story anthology although new and at least seems more promising than Freak Show, you can’t help but


10 Things I’ve Learned While Being A University Of Cincinnati Bearcat

Go Red, Go Black, Go Bearcats! Fight! Fight! Fight! 10. Chicken Tender Tuesday…what a time to be alive. 9. You see the beauty of Clifton. #HottestCollegeInAmerica 8. Woody Wednesday liqour pitcher night is a serious


10 Reasons Disney Channel Isn’t What It Used to Be

Disney Channel played a pretty large role in a lot of our childhoods. There were tons of great and entertaining TV shows and movies to watch, but there was also just something about the channel


10 Signs You’re Not Good at Giving Advice

When a friend is having a bad day or just looks particularly sad you’re likely to go up to them and ask what’s wrong. It’s a common reaction that all friends have. The person may be


Theta Phi Alpha Epsilon’s Insane Bid Day

Theta Phi Alpha – Epsilon Chapter is located here in the beautiful Queen City: Cincinnati, Ohio. Founded at The University of Michigan in 1912, Theta Phi currently has 53 active chapters across the United States


College as Defined by Netflix

If there’s one thing that college students love, it’s Netflix. We can usually be found watching it between classes, late at night, with friends, etc. There are tons of TV shows and movies to choose from for


A Letter to my Netflix Account

To my Netflix account, You and I have been together for a few years now. I’ll admit that at first I was slightly timid towards you because I didn’t know what I was getting myself


The 10 Stages of Finding the Perfect Halloween Costume

Looking for the perfect Halloween costume is one of the biggest struggles out there. There are so many ideas out there that picking just one, let alone the perfect one, is a process that takes some time and


10 Reasons You Hate Going Out

Going out: it used to be fun, but you’re kind of over it. You don’t really like the bars, you don’t like the frats and you hate the people. So why do you still go out? The