7 Emojis that Accurately Describe Studying

There are a variety of emotions that we all feel when studying. Sometimes you’ll be confident in yourself, sometimes you’ll be lazy, sometimes you’ll be mad because you can’t seem to grasp onto the concepts, other times


10 Types Of Students That Piss Me Off

Let me paint a picture in your head. You’re walking to class, side by side with your friends, having a good time making fun of your Calc professor because he sagged his pants today when


My Actual Thoughts on College Textbooks

College is back in full swing so that means everyone has their textbooks and is now facing the repercussions of having to spend hundreds of dollars on them. When you already have to spend thousands of dollars on


20 Awkward Moments That Happen At College Parties

Movies and TV shows would have you believe that college is about absolutely nothing but partying.  The fact is, you probably will go to plenty of parties during your college career, but what they neglect


The 15 Most Awkward Things About Taking A Test In College

When you think of all the awkward situations that arise during your day-to-day college life, the majority of them probably don’t occur while you’re in the middle of an exam.  Awkwardness happens at parties, on


20 Awkward Moments That Happen At College Parties 2

10. The girls in front of you don’t get charged a cover, but you do.   9. You walk in on someone hooking up. 8. Someone walks in on you hooking up. 7. You mom calls,


20 Gifs That Describe Your First Time Having Sex

Ah, the first time having sex.  Everyone’s is bound to be memorable, if only because it’s the most awkward, uncomfortable experience of your life.  Luckily it gets better after the first time, which is a


20 Gifs That Describe Your First Time Having Sex 2

15. When you’re not sure how to get it in. 14. When it’s finally in! 13. When it’s finally in and now you’re not sure what to do next. 12. When you try to imitate what you’ve


20 Gifs That Describe Your First Time Having Sex 3

10. When it doesn’t feel right, but you don’t want to say anything. 9. When he’s about to finish too soon. 8. When he tries to stop so that he doesn’t finish too soon. 7.


20 Gifs That Describe Your First Time Having Sex 4

5. When you realize your O-face is just terrible. 4. When it’s over and you don’t know what to do next. 3. When you describe it to your friends later. 2. When your friends tease