15 Instances April Ludgate Reminded You of Freshman Year

Freshman year is always the year of firsts for many young adults. Whether it be your first time away from your parents, your first time drinking alcohol, or even that first 20 page paper, freshman


College Feelings Defined by Once Upon a Time GIFs

12. Going out on a Tuesday.  11. Waking up for your 8 AM on a Friday. 10. When your professor still gets your name wrong and it’s the end of the semester.


The Stages of Walking to Class Defined by Wizard of Oz GIFs

Walking to class can be the most annoying time out of your day, but it can also be one of the most interesting. You see a lot of interesting characters on the walk to the


15 Things Journalism Majors Understand

15. Social media is practically your best friend. You live tweet everything and retweet articles like it’s second nature. When you first signed up for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. you probably never imagined putting those on your resume.


My Actual Thoughts on College Textbooks

College is back in full swing so that means everyone has their textbooks and is now facing the repercussions of having to spend hundreds of dollars on them. When you already have to spend thousands of dollars on


15 Ways To Actually Get Work Done At The Library

Two things that are collegiate necessary evils: studying and the library.  As a central spot on any campus, lots of people enjoy going to the library to socialize or find a quiet corner to nap,


Where You Sit In Class And What It Says About Your Personality

What are you thinking when you walk into a classroom or lecture hall and choose your seat?  You’re probably just looking for the most comfortable, least miserable place to spend the next hour or so


20 Things College Professors Do That Make You Want To Punch Them

You know what they say about college academics, right?  Succeeding consists of 5% hard work, and 95% getting on the good side of your instructors.  That’s a saying, right?  If not, it should be.  You


8 Ways to Refocus in Class When You’re Struggling to Stay Awake

Do you ever feel like this guy here? And then your professor stares at you or wakes you up and you have to respond like this? And then you do this again 5 minutes later? Here


20 Things You Think To Yourself While Walking To Class

A pair of earbuds can help the time pass more quickly during your daily walk to class, but even so, it’s a pretty mindless part of the day that allows your thoughts ample time to