7 Adele Song Lyrics That Explain Why Relationships Are Hard Work

Adele’s debut album, “19” took the world by storm. And by world, I mean every person that’s experienced a heart-wrenching breakup or overwhelming longing for another person. Her songs are powerful because of their honesty.


10 Ways Your Dating Life Is Like The Show Next

Dating life in college can be really difficult, unless you’re already in a relationship. Dating life flows through a variety of stages, whether it’s the friends with benefits, the random booty call, talking, texting, or


11 Thoughts That Go Through your Mind Before Meeting your Tinder Match

Many college students use Tinder to meet someone and it can either be a successful experience where you get exactly what you were looking for or it could be a horrible experience in which you


12 Thoughts you Have When Talking to Multiple Guys at Once

When you are a single woman in college, there are a lot of different men out there who could potentially become great boyfriends and husbands, but there are also lots of guys out there who


10 Simple Things You Need To Know Before Dating The Funny Girl

Fun and funny are two traits you need to find in a girl, if not your life is going to be boring and have no entertainment. Super hilarious girls are hard to find, but once


12 Things To Stop Apologizing For

“I’m sorry.” It’s one simple phrase and yet it holds so much meaning. So why do people throw it around so often? We seem to say I’m sorry for so many things and a lot of


11 Struggles of Dating the Guy your Friends Don’t Like

At some point, every woman is going to date a guy that her friends don’t necessarily like. I’m talking about the kind of disliking that stops your friends and your boyfriend from even being in


10 Thoughts Before Meeting the Parents for the First Time

Winter break was the perfect time for couples who met in college to go home and meet the parents of their significant others. Meeting the parents can be an extremely stressful and nerve racking thing


10 Struggles of Dating a Quiet Guy

Quiet guys are just as adequate as extroverted guys, maybe even more so because they may not be as cocky or rude and could be better listeners, but there are definitely some downsides to dating the


15 Ways To Get Your Crush To Notice You As Told By Tina Belcher

Tina Belcher is one-fifth of the Belcher gang on the animated TV series, Bob’s Burgers. She is a silent, but deadly force to be reckoned with. You may not know it, but she is also