Why Letter Grades, Testing, and GPAs are Destructive to Higher Education

Today, we live in a world where seven and eight year-olds attend duel-immersion schools, on the track to becoming fluent in Spanish. One-year-olds take Mandarin, thirteen-year-olds are on the road to the olympics, and 15


7 Emojis that Accurately Describe Studying

There are a variety of emotions that we all feel when studying. Sometimes you’ll be confident in yourself, sometimes you’ll be lazy, sometimes you’ll be mad because you can’t seem to grasp onto the concepts, other times


My Actual Thoughts on College Textbooks

College is back in full swing so that means everyone has their textbooks and is now facing the repercussions of having to spend hundreds of dollars on them. When you already have to spend thousands of dollars on


20 Things Only Hofstra Students Understand

There are times in life when we try to explain a story that we think is hilarious to our friends, but halfway through we find ourselves saying “you just had to be there”. College life isn’t


10 Ways To Get Fit While Studying

With only a few weeks left to the semester and with summer just around the corner, there is a lot of catching up to do on school work and your body! Under the pressure of


10 Ways To Get Yourself Ready For The Finals Crunch Time

Depending on where you go to school, you’ve probably got a few weeks before final exams start, so maybe you don’t think it’s time to panic quite yet.  And I suppose that is true.  You


10 Ways To Get Yourself Ready For The Finals Crunch Time 2

5. Get on a semi-normal sleep schedule. You can go back to pulling all-nighters and sleeping until noon after finals are over.  For now, you need a fresh mind and a fresh body.  Get yourself on


20 PhotoShopped GIFS To Get You Through Finals

College Life can be tough. Especially during Final Exams. To give every college student a good laugh, here are some incredible Photoshopped Gifs that will have you laughing for hours. Enjoy! 1.) The Force is


The Finals Survival Guide You Desperately Need

The air grows cooler and linger with the sweet scent of peppermint. The pleasant faces and ear-to-ear smiles have been replaced with dark visages and menacing scowls. The day draws shorter and with it goes


Gifs Perfectly Explain Stages Of Taking A Final Exam

SEE ALSO: 8 REASONS FINAL EXAMS SHOULDN’T EXIST 20. The first day you get your study pack, and you promise yourself you’re going to study for two weeks. 19. When you are on the chase