10 Habits We Know We Shouldn’t have In College

College is a time for everyone to gain individuality and develop habits that will help bolster us through our future occupational and personal lives. Although we are meant to create good and necessary habits, we also produce


12 Feelings You Have Walking Into Your Least Favorite Class

Everyone has that one class that destroys them a little bit inside. Be still, for you are not alone. Here are a few things you probably feel when walking into your least favorite class. 12.


The 10 Stages of Finding the Perfect Halloween Costume

Looking for the perfect Halloween costume is one of the biggest struggles out there. There are so many ideas out there that picking just one, let alone the perfect one, is a process that takes some time and


The Pros and Cons of Studying in Hillman Library As A Pitt Student

SEE ALSO: 10 Struggles Only a Pitt Student Would Understand 10. Pro: Your bed isn’t there so there’s less of a temptation to sleep.Con: Your bed isn’t there. 9. Pro: You’re surrounded by other studious students


11 Reasons it’s OK to Be in a Serious Relationship During College

You have thought about it long and hard, and you decided to stay in a relationship or start a relationship during college. This can be a complicated situation, especially if it is a long-distance relationship.


10 Reasons You Hate Going Out

Going out: it used to be fun, but you’re kind of over it. You don’t really like the bars, you don’t like the frats and you hate the people. So why do you still go out? The


Top 5 Ways To Know You’re Being Played

We all know that one guy that insists he’s “not like those other guys” and just lives his life in hardcore denial. Or maybe you know someone like this and he’s actually embraced who he


16 Things I Promised to Myself as a Child

When we were all growing up, unrealistic promises were set in our minds. Whether it was to be a cowboy or in my case, a princess, it was highly unlikely that those promises would end


5 Reasons Why You Should Not Be Roommates With A Friend

You and your closest friend decide to go to the same university and it’s only right to be roommates. You both already know how well you get along and you don’t want to be stuck


10 Struggles Only SCAD Students Would Understand

SCAD is dubbed “The University for Creative Careers.” Rightfully so, this is the school that provides you with real-world experience in your creative major. This means impossible deadlines, sleepless nights and numb fingers. Gear up, SCADDIES!