UCF Must-Do’s For Every True Knight

There are so many awesome things available for you to take part in as a UCF student. Here are only a few: Yes, this is college. 14.) Lake Claire- Lake Claire is such an incredible aspect


What Happens When You Begin Living For Yourself

From the time we’re young, we are constantly pressured not only to “be ourselves” but to also fit into the cookie-cutter mold that society tells you you have to meet. Not only are society’s standards extremely


7 Stereotypical College Students That Are Perfectly Described

7 Stereotypical College Students 7. Frat Bro He pronounces himself as a respectable young man with shorts at his thighs, a polo shirt, and a backwards hat.  The ladies know the truth behind the whole


16 Tips For Dating During College

Everyone knows that the most important thing about going to college isn’t necessarily your studies.  Equally important is the college social life, and more specifically, dating.  However, dating during college isn’t at all like dating


10 Signs You’re With Mr./Mrs. Right

We all want to find someone that will be by our side no matter what. Falling in love though, can be both scary and exhilarating. You get a  feeling of completeness that can consume you


Waiting For The Day

Dear irrelevant boy, I’m simply waiting for the day where I wake up and you aren’t the first thing on my mind. I’m waiting for the day when I see you in a picture and


9 Reasons Why Your Cell Phone Is Your Perfect Soulmate

Relationships. We all know that they can be a struggle. However, who needs a boyfriend or a girlfriend when all you need is well…. your cell phone. We all know we adore our cell phone.


Time Heals All Wounds

How do you let go of something that’s so familiar? The same thing that once made you feel alive and invincible? It doesn’t happen all in one day, that’s for sure. One day you’re going


This Tree House Is Most Amazing Thing You’ll Ever See

Nine years ago, Steve and Jeri Wakefield had an elaborate tree house built in Texas for their two grandsons. They hired architect James Curvan to design the special multi-level playhouse, complete with a pitched roof,


The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie Explained By Science

Image Credit: Tessa Arias/Handle the Heat There’s also an illuminating TEDEd animation on cookie science. And if you really want to go nuts (or no nuts, your call), Serious Eats offers 21 painstakingly tested steps for