15 Things You Shouldn’t Do If You See Your Ex On A Night Out

Accord­ing to collegetimes.com, if you see your ex on a night out you should not.……


15. Start throw­ing your­self at peo­ple to make them jealous

14. Cry in the bathroom

13. Cry at them

12. Stare them down

11. Throw a drink at them

10. Smack talk them

9.   Tell every­one how ter­ri­ble they are

8.   Flirt with their friends

7.   Ask ques­tions that you know you don’t want the answers too

6.   Dwell on how great you are doing

5.   Bring up the “good times”

4.   Sleep with them

3.   Send a sen­ti­men­tal text at the end of the night

2.   Drunk­enly re-add them on Facebook

1.   Don’t get too overly excited to see them


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