17 Thoughts When Drinking A Green Smoothie For The First Time

It seems like the new trend is kale, quinoa, and everything healthy (like sugar and spice and everything nice…okay it made sense in my head). Well, what better of a way to get your leafy green


17 Thoughts When Drinking A Green Smoothie For The First Time (2)

12. Like a mushed up plant though, you know? 11. And thick…why is it so thick? 10. Well, at least it loaded with like a serving of vegetables for the entire week. 9. TIME TO BE HEALTHY


17 Thoughts When Drinking A Green Smoothie For The First Time (3)

8. Let’s take a sip 7. Oh, not bad 6. Just kidding I want to vomit the plant 5. I TASTE THE KALE *Gags*


17 Thoughts When Drinking A Green Smoothie For The First Time (4)

4. Ok, maybe one more sip 3. Hey, this stuff isn’t actually that bad 2. I could drink this again, right? 1. *Becomes green smoothie fanatic*


12 Reasons Why Your Parents Aren’t As Bad As You Think

As we grow up, sometimes it seems like we have different opinions than our parents. We are so tied up in getting older and making our own decisions, and we often forget that our parent’s


12 Reasons Why Your Parents Aren’t As Bad As You Think (2)

6. If they could give you anything in the world, they would in a heartbeat From those shoes that you want, the tuition to your dream school, to a kidney. If they could, your parents would


13 Thoughts You Have After Leaving An Exam

So, you just took that super hard exam you have been studying for forever. You just have so many thoughts running through your mind as you are walking out. Here are thirteen of those thoughts: 13. THAT WAS


13 Thoughts You Have After Leaving An Exam (2)

9. Okay, take a deep breath.               8. Maybe I didn’t do THAT badly…               7. Who am I kidding? That was terrible!


13 Thoughts You Have After Leaving An Exam (3)

5. Yep. Because of this one exam I am never going to get a degree.                 4. I wonder if I would make a good stripper? I might


Eleven Thoughts I Had During My First Kiss

I had my first kiss on my first date when I was fourteen. He had muscles, a charming smile, and well, he was hot. Take me back to the day. I slept in braids the night before