A Letter To The People Who Take Life For Granted: Starring Avery Monet

To the people who take life for granted, There is so much that people take for granted from the food on their plate, the house that they live in, the people in their life, the


10 Reasons Why I Love Girl Scout Cookies

The best part about being a Girl Scout back in the day wasn’t just rocking my trendy vest (although I looked pretty darn good in it), but it was GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON!!! I mean,


18 Ways You Know You Are Addicted To Lululemon

Sometimes it is difficult for me to clarify with myself why I am spending $100 dollars on leggings, and then it hits me! They are durable, stylish, and chic. When I was in high school,


18 Ways You Know You Are Addicted To Lululemon (2)

9. You always look like you are ready to workout 8. You can spot fakes from a mile away 7. You know exactly when they update their website so you can stock up on new


10 Thoughts When We Saw Stephanie Tanner’s Boobs On Fuller House

If there was one thing people have been counting down for, it was the premiere of Fuller House. It was great to see how our favorite cast from the 90’s grew up. One thing that really


10 Thoughts When We Saw Stephanie Tanner’s Boobs On Fuller House (2)

5. Why can’t I have boobs like that? Come on, don’t lie. You know you thought this. The jealousy is real. 4. She certainly puts the full in fuller… With her bust of course! 3.


A Letter To The People Who Use Cigarettes

To those with a cigarette in your hand, I am not writing this letter to offend you because that is not my goal one bit. All I want to do is state my opinion. This


Uh Oh… Norovirus Erupts At University Of Michigan

I had Norovirus last year and let me tell you, it is terrible. Unfortunately, I missed about a week of classes and fell so behind because well, I was stung by the extremely contagious virus


A Letter To The Guys Who Wear Shorts In The Winter

Dear Guys Who Wear Shorts In The Winter, Today I was walking out of class into the miserable, bitter, freezing, 12 DEGREE COLD! I am bundled up in my large furry coat, struggling to walk over


12 Little Things Your Boyfriend Does That Mean The World (2)

6. Gives you those random little compliments that go a long way Sometimes a girl just wants to be told she is beautiful whether she feels like a wreck or looks like a star; Sometimes