9 Signs You Have the “Cool Mom”

She’s not a regular mom- she’s a cool mom. 9. You laugh when other people hide things from their moms. When other people snuck out of the house and created back stories in case they


10 Things You Should Thank Your Older Sister For

Sure, moms deserve a lot of credit once you’re a successful adult: after all, they raised you. But who would you have turned out to be if you didn’t have an older sister? Have you


What I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me About Being Single Long-Term

I don’t know about the rest of you, but it’s been a long two years. People around you are in relationship after relationship: some are getting engaged. It’s easy to look at yourself and think,


To the Kids Considering College Out-of-State (6)

    1. Is your only reason for not going, because you’re scared? If it is, it’s not reason enough. Go. Trust me, it’s understandable to be scared out of your mind. This is a


A Letter to Current High School Seniors

Dear Current High School Seniors, It’s a crazy feeling, huh? It’s a time in your life that you’ve be imagining for years, and it’s finally here. Congrats- you’re almost there! First of all, don’t rush


10 Signs that You’re in a Toxic Friendship

Friendships are for sleepovers, for laughing over inside jokes that no one else will understand, and crying on a shoulder when you need it. When did friendships become so complicated? Here are the signs that


11 Things You Know from Being in a Group Friendship

If you’re one of the lucky ones that kept a large group of friends through high school, you know that things are different from having just one best friend. The more the merrier, right? 11.


13 Thing to Never Settle for in a Relationship

When you’re young and dumb, you’re willing to put up with a lot in a relationship. But eventually, you learn from experiences that some relationships are not healthy, and definitely not worth it. 13. I’m


Why Every Girl Should be a ‘Girl’s Girl”

“I’m only friends with guys because I hate drama.” You’ve heard it before, and if you’re in your right mind, you should have gagged when you heard the sentence. But only because you realized that


Why Every Girl Should be a ‘Girl’s Girl” (2)

For that reason, I have always been “a girl’s girl.” And I believe if you don’t recognize yourself as a girl’s girl, you’re more insecure than you are willing to admit. There will always be